Beijing has widened a ban on flying activities to include pigeons and kite flying in its latest efforts to beef up security ahead of the National Day celebrations, police said Tuesday. 警方于周二称,为加强国庆前安保工作,北京近日已扩大了禁飞范围,鸽子和风筝也在其中。
In a joyful break from the tensions in Gaza, more than 6,000 children took part in a kite flying contest at the UN Relief and Works Agency 'summer camp& and set a new world record. 6000多个孩子参加了联合国近东救济工程处举办的夏令营放风筝竞赛,创下一项新的世界纪录。这是他们在加沙紧张局势中的一小段快乐时光。
The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift, make the sweeps easier. Next to me, Hassan held the spool, his hands already bloodied by the string. 这风正适宜放风筝,风速不大,恰好能让风筝飘浮起来,也便于操控。哈桑在我身旁,帮忙拿着卷轴,手掌已被线割得鲜血淋漓。
Was he cheering for me? Or did a part of him enjoy watching me fail? That was the thing about kite flying: Your mind drifted with the kite. 他在为我加油吗?还是希望我的失败给他带来愉悦?放风筝就是这样的,思绪随着风筝高低起伏。
Son, if you are a kite, I know that you want to be a kite flying high and afar. 儿子,如果把你比作一个风筝,我知道你想做一个飞得又高又远的风筝。
Delighted, the boy trotted rush onto the ground and promtly made the kite flying again. 男孩兴高采烈地冲回操场,再次放飞了他的风筝。
I can find a kite flying in the sky. 我可以看到一只风筝在空中飞。
Mouse control of the game with the two hands to manipulate the kite flying. 用鼠标控制游戏中的两只手来操纵风筝飞行。
At this time, a lot of kite flying to my side, my kite was around the middle, as if listening to "Phoenix" Queen singing it! 这时,好多风筝向我这边飞来,我的风筝被围中间,好像是在听“凤凰”女王唱歌呢!
Kite flying days were brutal, hope peak heart rate; 鸢飞戾天者,望峰息心;
Traditionally, Ching Ming Festival was also a time for celebration of the rebirth of nature. People celebrated it with outdoor activities, such as dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying. 传统上,清明节也是庆祝大自然复苏的时节。人们以户外活动来庆祝,例如舞蹈、唱、餐、风筝等。
Popular sports activities in northern China include martial arts, high-stilt walking, acrobatics, land-yachting, kite flying, each with a rich local history of its own. 中国北方常见的体育还有武术,踩高跷,杂技,沙丘滑行,放风筝。每一项目都带有浓厚地方色彩。
Kite flying was one of my favorite sports when I was young. 放风筝是我小时候最喜欢的运动之一。
In spring, I like watching flowers blooms, Kite flying in the sky 在春天,我喜欢看花朵盛开,风筝飞在天空中
China is the birthplace of kites, from where kite flying spread to Japan, Korea, Thailand and India. 中国是风筝的故乡,从这里,放风筝的运动传到了日本、韩国、泰国和印度。
Every year, Pakistani media report dozens of deaths and injuries caused by kite flying, mainly of children and motorcyclists whose throats are sometimes cut by metal or glass-coated string. 每年,巴基斯坦媒体都要报道几十起因放风筝而引起的伤亡事故,受害者往往是小孩或摩托车手,他们有时会被金属风筝线或风筝线上的玻璃划伤咽喉。
Kite flying is also an important part of the festival. 放风筝也是庆祝清明节的一个重要环节。
Kite Flying August, September and October are the months of kites flying, because the wind blows north-westwards. 放风筝八月、九月、十月是放风筝的季节,因为这时的风是朝西北方向刮。
She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia. 她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。
Lee said in a recent statement that the rights of citizens and animals to be in the park without the threat of injury "trumps" the privilege of kite flying. 李振光在最近的一份声明中称,市民和动物在公园中不担心受怕的权利“超过”放风筝的特权。
Only because kite flying is so much fun. 这只能怪这儿的风筝太好玩了。
The day is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus by outdoor excursions, kite flying and consumption of seafood and other non-meat product. 这一天庆祝在希腊和塞浦路斯户外郊游,放风筝和海产品和其他非肉类产品的消费。
It is not surprising that kite flying is very popular during the Qingming season. 这样,清明节那么多人放风筝的景象就不足为奇了。
Or maybe this is really election-year kite flying after all. 或者这只是选举年开出的空头支票而已。
You can see the kite flying high. 你可以看见风筝飞在高高的天空上。
I know that one is in the kite flying behind the hotel! 我知道有一家,就是在鸢飞大酒店后面!
Does this change would be the hunter," kite flying "impact? 问:这个改动是否会对猎人的“放风筝”带来影响?
Culture and sport kite flying for the smooth transmission of Chinese culture provides an effective way and mode. 风筝文化和风筝运动为中华文化的顺利传承提供了一种有效的途径和模式。
Since 1984, Weifang City, successfully organized for the International Kite Flying Festival; in 1988, Weifang kites sector both at home and abroad as the "Kite Capital of the World." Weifang kites to the world, the real reached its peak. 从1984年起,潍坊市连续成功地举办了国际风筝节;1988年,潍坊市被国内外风筝界选为世界风筝都。潍坊风筝走向了世界,真正达到了它的鼎盛期。